About Me

I design human-centered experiences for digital products championing the importance of inclusive design and user testing as a key ingredients of successful product development. Team player and attentive problem-solver, I previously contributed to large-scale projects for tech giants, banks and other companies.

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User Experience

From paper planes to bullet-proof products through talking with users.

User Interface

Waves of artworks that break the pixel, not the eye.


It helps to think and keep the feet on the ground.

Ways of working

Products try to solve problems to simplify people's way of living.
Designing user experience is empathise with users’ perspective and transform their pain points into opportunities to learn, advance products and make more relevant and inclusive.
Succesful products are often the result of thorough research and discovery, inclusive design, multiple prototypes iterations and good synergy to resilient delivery.
My work is supported by design processes like Design Thinking and frameworks such as the Double Diamond, the Google design sprint and the IDEO design kit among others.

Skills and tools

User experience

  • User research
  • Information architecture
  • User journey mapping
  • Data-driven design
  • Usability testing

Visual design

  • User interface design
  • Design systems
  • Wireframing and Prototypes
  • Data visualization
  • Interaction design
  • Graphic design

Tools & software

  • Figma, Sketch
  • Miro
  • Axure RP
  • Adobe CC, Affinity suite
  • Atlassian suite

Tech and coding

  • HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • React.js
  • Git